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save the world

Please Do all of this work and save the World for future



Hi Friends!

Welcome to Alormela (where the enlighten person enlights others)

Chotoderbondhu is welcoming you . The world where we are living now in danger! Terrorism, Pollution, Violence against women and children’s Greenhouse Effect and many more problems are on the attacking way. So now our future world and our future or next generation is in Danger. We have to save the world we have to save our generations. Lets know what should we do for this?

I believe that you can make a man happy and we all together can make the world happy by doing some important work.

# Give up to tell a lie

# Don’t neglect poor

# Don’t threat kids and poor

# Be polite

# All time be helpful

# Don’t west time

# Be careful to cross the road

# Drive the car carefully

# Think life more valuable than Time

# Don’t split here and there

# Don’t steal or theft

# Love all the children / kids

# Donate as much as possible

# Don’t kill wild animal and bird

# Give priority others

# Don’t make a noise

# Don’t forget to love your mom and dad and also your country

# Donate Blood because your blood can be life of others

# Give up smoking

# Protest violence against  women and child

# Plant tree as much as possible

# Tell and inspire every body that you know to say yes to children and to say true

# Don’t hate other religions and the followers of other religions

# Obey your mom and dad and obey the rules of the country where you are loving.

# hate to tell lie

# Save water , electricity and gas for the future


##### share your every cheers with a poor kids and look how happy he will be and how much power you have to make a man happy ########


Be happy all the time be happy forever. Please do this and save the world. We say Knowledge is not power but sharing knowledge is power. Save some of your cost or expenses and donate to the poor This world is ours so we should save it. Lets promise to save the world and save the children’s..


Chotoderbondhu (friend for the kids)

Dhaka University, Bangladesh

Email: Chotoderbondhu@gmail.com


Website: www.alormela.ucoz.com

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